I think the challenge with your scale analogy is that you used companies instead of governments, and profit as the measure of power, instead of power/ability to survive. Also, L2s may solve some of the 'Eth is too big' challenge.

For the biology, Cope is full of crap. Species do not trend towards larger size with time. Size depends on niche and resource availability. In cold weather niches, larger size = smaller surface area to mass ratio = less heat loss. On the other end of the spectrum, microsporidia are as "evolved" as we are, and they gave up many basic organelles to optimize their parasitic lifestyle. Goldfish grow until they fill their tank/food limits, but an eagle kept in the largest cage possible with all the food it wants will never grow big enough to carry you away from Mt Doom.

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yeah it applies to governments too. companies were just an easier example for me.

and yeah the cope's rule stuff was mentioned only as a tendency, and then refuted. a lot of animal's don't evolve this way.

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